Monday, August 31, 2015

A New VA - Part 1

Moving to Kissimmee also moved me to a new region in the VA system. You would think that it would be straight forward since all my information is in the computer system. Nope; Not going to happen; let's reinvent the wheel.

I get assigned a new Primary Care doctor - It's up to him to refill my medications ... and to place consults with the specialty clinics I was seeing in the old region. I get in to see my Primary Care, and he doesn't refill all my meds (leaving out some of the important ones). He also fails to send ANY consults for Specialty Clinic followups that I needed. He did send me to Cardiology - which was a waste of time. Cardiology has already said they have done all they can do and it will take a life threatening event for them to do more.

I started the process of kicking him to the curb ... and what a nightmare that was. By going around some people, I did manage to get into one specialty clinic (Pulmonary) and the Doctor there sent out consults for the other clinics. Pulmonary also said I have, "Compensated Metabolic Alkalosis".

Neurology agreed to see me; Endocrinology declined the consult - REALLY? More on Neurology in Part 2.

I finally saw my new Primary Care - we seemed to click and he agreed with most of my requests - more consults placed and various test ordered. He ran out of time and scheduled a return vist with a 1 hour time slot.

Endocrinology agreed to see me after the second consults (and the test results) More on that in Part 2.

With a few exceptions, the Orlando VA is as good as the North Florida/South Georgia VA Region. It is disappointing that the different VA Regions tend to act as totally different entities. If something is ordered in one Region, you would expect it to get done in another Region without massive quantities of red tape, but ....

More on the local VA in another blog.

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